
Autorun Clojure tests: lein test-refresh

Run ClojureScript tests: lein do clean, doo phantom test once (clean is needed because there's an issue: plugin does not seem to recompile macros)

Use min-deps profile to test with minimal supported dependencies (instead of default and usually latest versions):

lein with-profiles +min-deps test-refresh

This profile cannot be applied to the ClojureScript version of the library because usage of the latest ClojureScript is always assumed.


Project uses MkDocs with Cinder theme to generate documentation static site and Codox for API reference.

Tasks are scripted using Lumo. Run yarn in order to install NodeJS dependencies for tasks.

Build only site pages: ./tasks.cljs mkdocs

Build API reference into site folder: ./tasks.cljs api

Build the whole site: ./tasks.cljs site

Serve site pages locally with automatic build (but it won't work for index page): mkdocs serve


Deploy to Clojars: lein deploy clojars

Deploy site to gh-pages branch: ghp-import -p site